When Repairs Are Needed
If you spot a problem with your Duro-Last roofing, keep the warranty intact by engaging a qualified Duro-Last roofing contractor to complete the repair. Not all PVC roofing responds equally well to chemical solvents or heat seaming, which is why hiring a qualified expert is so important.
Your local, dependable Duro-Last contractor can investigate the repair work, choose the best solution, and generally make the repair quickly and easily. Having the right tools, the correct mil thickness of repair material, and the proper training from Duro-Last makes the job a breeze.

Where Repairs Are Needed
In most single-ply roofing, repairs are generally needed at seams, the notorious weak spot in all roofing systems. In Duro-Last roofs, this is seldom the case, since very few seams are done on site. Factory seaming is more controlled, more reliable, and longer lasting than on-site seaming.
The small percentage of on-site seam work in a Duro-Last roof does mean you may face (against the odds) a seam repair in those few spots which had to be tackled on your roof, instead of in a factory.
Check Up
Your own crew can be useful in properly maintaining the roof, in addition to regular check-ups from your commercial contractor. A well-maintained Duro-Last roof protected by regular inspections will far outlast the same Duro-Last roof if neglected. One service call for repair or inspection could pay off handsomely in years of added service.
If your Duro-Last roof is showing signs of trouble, contact the professionals of Alternative Roofing Solutions. Whether tough winters or driving rains have taken their toll, our crews can make speedy repairs, preserve your roof, and offer tips for getting more life out of your investment.
Contact Form
Looking for help with a commercial roofing project? As a leading certified Duro-Last roof installer in the Seattle area, we are qualified to meet your commercial, flat, and low slope roofing needs. Contact us today!